The science behind smart study: A game-changer for every student


As Aristotle once said, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”

The Indian badminton champion PV Sindhu constantly refines her skills to stay at the top of her game. Albert Einstein revisited his theories, not out of necessity, but out of a deep desire for understanding, leading him to groundbreaking discoveries like the Theory of Relativity.

The above examples show that revision is the bridge between learning and mastery. Effective revision techniques help students reinforce what they have learnt, and identify and close the gaps in their understanding.

However, the path to success isn’t always easy or straightforward. There are some common challenges students face during revision. Fatigue and burnout are common during intense revision sessions, as the brain can only absorb limited information before needing rest. Similarly, ineffective study habits, such as cramming or passive reading, make revision a mechanical task rather than a meaningful one.

Procrastination is another barrier fueled by the fear of failure or the overwhelming pressure to perform. According to the 2024 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), procrastination can be overcome by breaking tasks into smaller, manageable steps and setting clear goals. Focusing on manageable chunks of content at a time is one of the effective exam preparation techniques.

Revise smarter, not harder: Winning strategies for studying

If you are thinking about how to revise effectively for exams, remember that it is not just about re-reading notes but using proven techniques that boost memory and help students grasp better. Here are some strategies to elevate your study sessions:

  • Active recall: It is a dynamic approach where students challenge themselves to retrieve information from memory rather than passively reviewing their notes. For example, after studying the solar system, students can try listing the planets from their memory and then cross-check the list with their notes to identify the gaps. This technique is widely regarded as one of the most effective memory-boosting techniques for exams.
  • Spaced repetition: This technique is all about revisiting material at intervals and turning fleeting knowledge into lasting understanding. For instance, after learning the multiplication table, review it on the same day, then after three days, and again after a week. This method reinforces learning, keeps concepts fresh, and eliminates last-minute cramming, ensuring that students feel confident and well-prepared for exams.
  • Interleaving: One of the most effective exam preparation techniques, interleaving gives students the liberty to alternate between subjects or topics during study sessions, rather than focusing on just one. For example, switching between math problems, history dates, and science concepts fosters critical thinking and improves retention. This technique prepares students to tackle diverse exam questions by promoting flexible thinking and helping them to make connections between different topics, ultimately improving their ability to recall and apply knowledge effectively.
  • The Feynman Technique: This method revolves around explaining concepts in simple, everyday language as if teaching a friend who has no prior knowledge. For example, when studying photosynthesis, students can break it down in detail by mentioning that photosynthesis is the process by which plants make food. They use sunlight, water from their roots, and carbon dioxide from the air to create sugar (their food) in the leaves, releasing oxygen as a byproduct. This process helps resolve complex ideas, making revision more effective.
  • Mnemonics: These are clever memory aids that make information easier to recall. For instance, to remember the order of planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune), students can use the phrase “My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nachos.” Alternatively, visual mnemonics use images or diagrams to aid memory. A great example of this is to draw a flower with labels that point to each of its parts like the roots, leaves, stem, flowers, and fruit. Both these types of mnemonics simplify complex information into something easier to recollect during exams.
  • Dual coding: This technique involves combining verbal and visual information to enhance memory retention. For example, when learning about the human heart, reading a description of its function alongside a labelled diagram can significantly improve understanding. By integrating both words and visuals, students reinforce their memory, making it easier to recall key concepts when it’s time for exams.

5 essential techniques for exam excellence

Effective exam preparation demands a strategic approach, blending time management, consistent practice, and self-care. By incorporating these five essential effective revision techniques, students can boost their chances of success while reducing stress.

  1. Create a structured study plan:
    • A well-organised study plan helps manage time effectively and ensures all subjects are covered. For instance, allocate specific hours for each subject—two hours for math in the morning and one hour for English in the evening. This method prevents cramming, promotes steady progress, and allows time for review, ultimately boosting academic performance.
  1. Practice papers and mock exams:
    • Practising past papers or mock exams is one of the most powerful exam preparation techniques. Mock exams simulate real exam conditions, helping reduce anxiety and improve time management skills. The 2023 Impact of More Realistic and Earlier Practice Exams on Student Metacognition study states that practice exams are a highly effective learning tool and can significantly improve student performance on their actual exams.
  1. Balance study with healthy habits:
    • Good physical health supports mental focus, and balancing revision and relaxation for better results is key. Regular exercise, like jogging or yoga, helps clear your mind after study sessions. Eating nutritious meals, staying hydrated, and getting enough sleep keeps you energised and aids memory retention, ensuring you stay sharp and focused during your revision. ​​
  1. Review and adjust strategies:
    • Regularly reviewing and adjusting your study techniques helps maximise efficiency. For example, if you find that you’re struggling with a particular topic in science, adjust your schedule to spend more time on it. Flexibility in your approach helps you focus on areas where you need more practice or understanding.
  1. Prioritise rest and relaxation:
    • Rest is essential for retaining information and staying focused. Balancing revision and relaxation for better results, such as taking breaks during study sessions (like the Pomodoro Technique, which involves 25 minutes of work followed by a 5-minute break), helps refresh the mind. Additionally, ensuring 7-8 hours of sleep each night can improve concentration and memory during exams.

In the end, exam success is not just about hard work, but it involves smart, strategic effort. Benjamin Franklin wisely said, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” Like Franklin, who achieved greatness through preparation and perseverance, students must adopt effective revision techniques and stay disciplined. By combining good study habits with rest and consistency, students can turn purposeful action into achievement. With the right mindset and tools, the path to academic excellence will be as remarkable as those who dared to dream big and worked relentlessly to make it a reality.

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