Daan Utsav – The Joy of Giving Charity Festival at VIBGYOR Group of Schools

Daan Utsav, called the Joy of Giving Week, is celebrated from October 5 to 9. It is one of India’s largest festivals to celebrate the joys of giving. VIBGYOR High celebrated this joyous week in their unique way by: Sandwich making (For Grades 4 & 5) – with ingredients brought from home, the students prepared some yummy and healthy sandwiches in just 45 minutes! These sandwiches were then packaged with apples and biscuits with personalised messages to be distributed to the children of Kudlu Government School. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (For Grades 6 to 9) – The children started with participating... Read More

VIBGYOR High School, Goregaon students to represent Maharashtra State in U-14 Girls DSO Basketball at National level

Two students, Vedika Sud and Tvisha Gala of Grade VIII, ICSE from VIBGYOR High School, Goregaon are selected to represent Maharashtra State at the National Level Basketball Tournament. The selection took place based on their outstanding performance at the DSO U-14 State Level Basketball Tournament 2015, held at Shivaji Nagar Gymkhana, Dharampeth, Nagpur, from October 3rd to 6th, this year. The event witnessed participation various schools of Maharashtra, across different categories. Expressing his views, Mr. Shim Mathew, Principal of VIBGYOR High Goregaon School said, “Both, Vedika and Tvisha are very hard working and talented students and I would like to... Read More

VIBGYOR High Vadodara School students to represent Gujarat State in U-14 DSO Football at National level

Rushi Suthar and Rudra Patel, two students of Grade VII (CBSE and CIE, respectively) from VIBGYOR High Vadodara School are selected at National Level Football Tournament to represent the Gujarat state. Both the students will be a part of the State team. The selection took place based on their outstanding performance at the DSO U-14 State Level Football Tournament 2015, held at Rajpipla, Gujarat, from September 22nd to 25th, this year. The event witnessed participation from 43 district teams from various schools of Gujarat (Each team consisted of 15 players), across various categories. Expressing his views, Mr. Dilip George, Principal... Read More

VIBGYOR High Kolhapur School becomes the top ranking Co-Education School in Kolhapur

VIBGYOR High Kolhapur School has been ranked as the Number One Co-Education School in Kolhapur by the ‘India School Ranking 2015’ conducted by Education World India in association with C Fore New Delhi. Imbedded with academic excellence, this is the third consecutive year for VIBGYOR High Kolhapur School to be ranked as the first Co-Education School in the city. With this prestigious achievement, VIBGYOR High Kolhapur School has become the top ranking Co-Education School to set benchmark in the educational scenario of Kolhapur. School representatives, Mrs. Neha Mane and Ms. Christina Das, Coordinators of VIBGYOR High Kolhapur School were felicitated... Read More

Working together for a child’s better future

One would think being a teacher was just about teaching. However, as a teacher, you have to don more roles than are strictly described in your job description. You are in a unique position of being the bridge between a student’s performance in school and his or her parents. But how do you approach the rather sensitive issue of communicating a child’s shortcomings to his or her parents? Parents generally don’t like it if teachers tell them that their child has a problem or a difficulty in school. Sometimes, parents have adverse reactions ranging from outright denial (even when they... Read More

Social Service – so much more than just a walk in the park

As part of the overall development of students, schools participate in many social service activities like tree plantation, rallies, visits to orphanages or old age homes, etc. Often, these visits and activities are followed by a report, written by each student on what they did and what they learnt. Many times, the trips are taken as a welcome break from the daily school schedule with students paying attention to what is being said simply so they can include it in their write-ups. The outing, which is undertaken with the intention of instilling the concept of service, often turns into trips... Read More
