An international School with India in its Heart

Adorable Pre-Primary toddlers smear paper badges with the familiar hues of the tricolour, our National Flag. Their endearing smiles and giggles captivate me as I walk past the art room. This sparkling glimpse is one of the many magical moments captured in my mind's eye whenever I visit any of our VIBGYOR schools. Observing another group, this time those of the Primary Section, rehearsing for their group folk song performance in a forthcoming Inter House Competition, my own face lit up with a bright smile of satisfaction at their efforts. I am touched by the earnestness and purposefulness displayed by the... Read More

Mr. Rustom Kerawalla Awarded for Contribution to the Education Sector

Over the last 13 years, VIBGYOR Group of Schools has stayed committed to its focus on holistic development and learning which is not confined to a single sphere of interest, but encompasses multiple fields to empower students to shape the future and become global citizens. Through a myriad of national and international events, exposure to different methods of thinking, and innovative practices in learning, VIBGYOR has been providing education that’s not only of premium quality, but also accessible all over the country. VIBGYOR’s journey towards educational excellence began with the vision and drive of the Founder-Chairman, Mr. Rustom Kerawalla. The... Read More

Changing Role of Teachers in the 21st Century

Teachers are nation builders and despite the breakneck speed of technological progress impacting today's classrooms, their presence is of paramount importance to students. The term facilitator is now becoming more prevalent, and why not? It goes hand in hand with the quantum of work and the job descriptions of teachers around the world. Long gone are the days of only books and chalk and talk methods. In modern schools one sees how, by using dynamic and exciting teaching methodologies, the learners are drawn into the world of self actualisation and realisation of their aims, aspirations, dreams, goals and hopes. Collaboration,... Read More

A Game Online: A Threat in the Real World

Online games have become quite the rage now. Millions of youngsters, especially teenagers are getting addicted and consequently becoming more and more isolated and aloof from reality. Recently, as you all must be aware, a game or rather a social media phenomenon known as the Blue Whale or the Blue Whale Challenge has been in the news. Governments and police in many countries have been investigating to gather proof of its links to many cases of teenage suicides. A boy in Mumbai and another in Kerala have been the latest victims. This game has been so devised by its Russian... Read More

Students’ Shenanigans

A school is a mini world by itself and could be the setting of a daily soap opera. I mean, here you will find friendship, drama, comedy, enthusiasm, competitiveness, innovation, ideas... and the list is endless. All teachers will have their own collection of anecdotes. These are almost mini sagas; while some of them are quite uplifting, others may bring tears in your eyes, yet others may induce uncontrollable laughter. I still remember the day, a few years back, when one young freshly appointed teacher entered his class to wish his students a good morning. They responded politely. There was a moment... Read More

Tips To Handle Stress Among Children

With changes in lifestyles and the environment, peer and parental pressure, as well as societal expectations, stress has become a major cause of concern among children from a young age. With every year that passes by, there are changes in the system, advancements in technology, and a lot more that’s expected from children each day which might be overwhelming for them. As a parent, here’s what you can do to ensure your child is better equipped to deal with stress. 1. Let your child know you are approachable Every child needs an adult who can understand what they are going... Read More
