Grooming Students for FUTURE


Kavita Sahay, Director-School Operations and Academics, VIBGYOR High Group of Schools, briefs about the pedagogies and models followed at VIBGYOR to make students future-ready
There is an augmentation in the field of knowledge globally; information is available at the click of a mouse. What students essentially need are key skills to use knowledge and the accelerating technology to face the challenges in a fiercely competitive world. Hence, we need to redefine our approach to teaching-learning and realign existing pedagogies.
We, at VIBGYOR High, view knowledge as a whole and encourage students to integrate their learning of different disciplines and develop the essential skills of the 21st century. Corresponding to this belief, our educational philosophy is based on the holistic principles of learning where the emphasis is on the overall development of the child: intellectually, socially, physically, emotionally and spiritually. The pedagogy of ‘Integrated Learning’ is the core of our educational programme. Based on the Gestalt principles of learning, it brings together diverse disciplines in order to help students establish connections between subjects and perceive knowledge as a whole. Our curriculum is designed to incorporate three dominant models of integrated learning.
Our activities are based on multiple disciplinary learning where the unit under study is analysed from the perspective of different disciplines. For instance, while studying RK Narayan’s ‘Malgudi Days’ as a part of literature, students are also taught the history of freedom struggle, investigate the background against which the book is written, cartography and caricature styles of the illustrator RK Laxman.
Another model of learning that cuts across curricular domains is interdisciplinary learning that emphasises on certain crucial abilities and vital skills that are transferable across disciplines. Learning activities include group activities that foster skills such as Collaboration and Collective Intelligence; and independent learning activities that promote Self Direction and Initiative. Inquiry –based learning and technology-led research promotes key STEM skills such as problem solving, analytical thinking and the ability to work independently.
We also provide students with transdisciplinary learning opportunities such as VIBGYOR High Model United Nations, Student Teacher Exchange Programme (STEP) and Europe Meets India (EUMIND). These activities not only help them in applying their knowledge and skills in a real life context but also ingrain in them cross-cultural sensitivity, broader worldview and social responsibility. The students connect with their counterparts from different countries and undertake collaborative study on globally significant themes.
Our schools are a mini replica of this world, where students are groomed to be productive future global citizens.
