Playing the host

I strongly believe in the saying, ‘The only source of knowledge is experience’. And the experience of hosting a faculty of another school from the other part of the globe was very enriching. Initially I was overcome with apprehensions. Hosting a completely unknown guest, probably with varied interests, food choices, and speaking a different language was a hard nut to crack. But my hosting experience was wonderful. All my fears vanished the very first day when I realised how adjustable and adaptable Mr Menine is. My biggest worry was about food. But there was hardly any fuss from his end. He relished the Indian food... Read More

New Sense of Responsibility

My child got the opportunity to be the part of the student exchange programme earlier this month and Maud from Netherlands t'Atrium stayed with us. My reflections on the experience on how the entire programme went are as follows: First of the concept and the structure, I see it was very well planned. The details of our guest’s hobbies, interests and contact details were exchanged. This was good and ensured that we as a family had an idea of the guest and what to expect. We were also able to plan a comfortable stay for her. In such programmes it... Read More
