There Is Always a First Time

I got up in the morning with an unexpected flutter in my tummy. The first day of AS Level, the new chapter in my life after the gargantuan ICSE board examinations. Oddly, my mind was a tabula rasa. I wondered who my classmates would be. I felt apprehensive; a little clueless. I changed my T-shirt at least four times, confused. My thoughts were all jumbled up and though I disliked admitting it, I felt nervous - a feeling that was completely new to me. I walked into the school building. Familiar turf, comforting. It was now beginning to feel like... Read More

Just Another Story

In the background, there was an awful commotion, men’s raised voices and women screaming. There was a deafening sound, a gunshot. I was used to all this from my days in the military. I turned in time to see a figure dart towards a balcony of a theatre. On the ground, there was blood but I paid no attention. I took off after the fleeing stranger. I am Jacob Coulter, an army general and the first thought that crossed my mind was to give chase. I followed him up to the balcony. On reaching the balcony, I saw the killer... Read More

Television – Boon or Bane

Television is an ocean of entertainment, knowledge and information, but many people think that it is an idiot box and that watching T.V. is simply wastage of time. I think if properly used it has more advantages than disadvantages. Television is one of the best sources of entertainment. It provides us variety of entertainment such as daily soaps, reality shows etc. Television viewing adds information and knowledge to our lives. It is the best way of getting rapid news which can be transmitted in a moment. There are many news channels which provide news about current affairs, sports, and movies.... Read More

Innovative Formative Assessments at VIBGYOR

Formative Assessments are conducted in all schools worldwide to gain an understanding of the learners’ progress over the academic year. They also enable teachers to implement their classroom methodologies and strategies better. These assessments can be both quantitative as well as qualitative. We are also highly concerned about creating and supporting a culture of mindfulness and community service through some of our innovative formative appraisal endeavours. Here are some examples of quantitative assessments: Cyclic/Scheduled Timed Tests with MCQs, Objective Questions from the Textbooks Subjective Questions based on the Textual Portion Vivas based on the syllabus content These are a few... Read More

Happy Parenting

Parenting is a blessing which comes with a lot of responsibilities. It has been rightly said “Once a parent always a parent". Like many other fields such as technology, education etc.-  parenting has also evolved with time. The upbringing and environment provided to the child has drastically changed. Modern influence on parenting has shifted the paradigm from necessity to comfort. In the race of acquisition of materialistic things, the parents provide an atmosphere where the child is always in his comfort zone. Children’s desires have turned into demands. This sort of upbringing is encouraging complex behavioural problems. Few Steps towards... Read More

How Much a Dollar Cost

In Kendrick Lamar’s 2015 Grammy award winning album, ‘To Pimp a Butterfly,’ there is a track, ‘How Much a Dollar Cost’ which provides a commentary on our society and morality. The track begins with Kendrick rapping about a beggar who approached him, while he was filling up the tank of his luxury car. The beggar asked Kendrick for a dollar, but Kendrick refused knowing that the man would use it to obtain illegal substances. The beggar says to him, “My son, temptation is one thing that I've defeated, listen to me, I want a single bill from you.” The beggar... Read More
