1st Ever Education Reality Show

One TV channel in Kerala is going to host contest from November to January for picking up creative teams among 5 million students in Kerala. The show will be hosted on country's 1st broadband network on education satellite - EDUSAT, known as ViCTERS or Virtual Class technology on EDUSAT for Rural Schools. Each of the episodes will have 3 parts, in 1st part school profile will be shown, then video on school activities, and the last part would be a presentation before 5 member jury by students and teachers of the school. The show will select the top aided and... Read More

What is Educational Tribunals Bill 2010

The Educational Tribunals Bill 2010 has been passed by Lok Sabha which has the goal of setting up educational tribunals for faster clearance of disputes in education sector. These tribunals will try to solve disputes that involve teachers & other institutional employees as well as other interested parties such as students, regulatory bodies and other institutions.... Read More

Regional Offices of CBSE and Their Jurisdiction

aRegional OfficeCentral Board of Secondary Education, PS-1-2, Institutional Area, I.P.Extn. Patparganj, Delhi-110 092.JurisdictionNCT of Delhi, Foreign Schools Tel:91-11-22239177-80Fax: 91-11-22248990rodelhi.cbse@nic.in bRegional Office Central board of Secondary Education, Plot No. 1630 A, "J" Block, 16th Main RoadAnna Nagar West, Chennai-600040.JurisdictionTamil Nadu,Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Goa, Puducherry, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Daman and DiuTel. 91-44-26162214 /26162213Fax:91-41-26162212rochennai.cbse@nic.incRegional OfficeCentral Board of Secondary Education, House No.10, Seuj Sarani, Lakhimi Nagar, Hatigaon, Guwahati-781006JurisdictionAssam, Nagaland, Manipur, Meghalaya, Tripura, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram.Telfax:91-361-2229992, 2229995roguwahati.cbse@nic.indRegional OfficeCentral Board of Secondary Education, Todarmal Marg, Ajmer-305 030JurisdictionRajasthan,Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Dadra and Nagar HaveliTel:91-145-2627451/2627139Fax:91-145-2421543roajmer.cbse@nic.ineRegional OfficeCentral Board of Secondary Education, Sector- 5 , Panchkula... Read More
